Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
A fun touchscreen monitor but what it can monitors depends on the car so different car shows different vital signs and some it cant view all the cars boost pressure which kinda the downside for some people.
However it can connect to vehicle with CAN system and detects ECU error codes and clear them which helped me alot when my car goes into safe mode and drives very slow and engine lights came up i dont need to go to the workshop or reset my ecu by pulling the battery terminal and reset everything in the car like the clocks.
I just touch the informeter to scan for the error and it show the error and then clear the code and my car is back to normal.
Not sure if SHH can do sumthin about the firmware so that an external sensor can be installed to show boost, oil pressure and water, oil temp.Almost similar to the informeter but lack the touch screen and is smaller then the informeter however it has built in boost presure and can be updated via usb.
Both the HKS and Blitz needs an extra monitor and allows u to monitor your car through your monitor however the HKS Camp 2 also allows to be connected to the F-Con iS and V Pro and monitor the ECU which also helps in tuning.
We worry about the intake filter as we're afraid that if we dont change it dirt particles will enter our engine of if it is clogged we will lose performance but what about the filter that could affect our health or the life of our air-conditioner.
I just thought of it and checked on it and was surprised how dirty it was, some old cars dont have these filters and more likely when your a/c is not cool anymore, u send it to the shop and when they clean the coil u'l c all leaves and insects in it and even some dust.
Luckily new cars comes with a filter to filter all of the dusts and particles from the outside air and some even comes with special carbonBlitz also came up with an aftermarket a/c filter for better flow, filtration and it is washable. It is has a special coating to fight the bad odors.