Saturday, October 3, 2009
Since the 1NZ-FE engines uses a direct ignition method its very hard to find things to upgrade the ignition system other than to change the spark plugs or change to okada coil which is B$1200-$1400.
The Okada Projects coils seems to have more and bigger coils compared to the stock and SplitFire ignition coil hence he expensive price tag.
The picture below is taken from who have ordered and dynoed the okada coils and gained up to 10hp.Another choice that i just found out when browsing is the SplitFire ignition coil which is not as strong as the okada and looks similar to the standard coil except with its blue colour. It ia also half the price of the Okada around B$500-$600
SplitFires claim that their coil also improve the power and torque depending on the condition by:
-Increases horsepower at the top end of the RPM band
-Ensures and maintains maximum energy supplied to the spark plugs
-Reduces incomplete combustion caused by misfire
-Eliminates RFI (radio frequency interference) by eliminating the need for a wire set
-Easy installation